We organize everything
Don’t be afraid to buy on-line on our official website. In case of necessity we are operative and ready to help you, directly or with our collaborator on the Neox’s shops, for any situation.
Qualified staff will make you appreciate the purchase of your Neox. He will give you useful advices, and he will follow you at every stage of maintenance, even remotely.
Save the typical and useful original packaging, or take your Neox to the nearest assistance point, and follow the instructions here below.
For any information about places not covered by Neox points, write us an e-mail.

How the post-sale assistance works
Ordinary Maintenance
For ordinary maintenances as replacement of tires, brakes and various regulations about the use of the bicycle, you can address to your trusted mechanic or to the neares Neox point.
Extraordinary Maintenance
Go to the nearest Neox point and he will ake care of everything. Or contact us.With Neox Bike Box we collect, ALL OVER ITALY, with a carrier, your NEOX directly from your house or from the place you indicated us. We check it in our factory and it will be returned in the same way. For the delivery use the Neox Bike Box received at the purchase and follow these simple steps:
- Take off the front wheel
- Place your Neox on the support and fix it following the instruction on the tutorial area
- Close the box
- Write Siral address
For all the extraordinary maintenances, are included in the warranty all the spare parts, and are excluded from the warranty the labour cost, transport costs and servicing; Neox will assist you with Neox Bike Box and with Neox points.

For further details